Best BigCommerce Apps to Supercharge Your Business

upqode | Jun 14th, 2024

In the bustling world of e-commerce, having a robust and dynamic online store is key to standing out from the competition. BigCommerce, as one of the leading e-commerce platforms, offers a wealth of applications designed to enhance your store’s functionality, improve customer experience, and boost your sales. 

Whether you’re looking to streamline operations, enhance marketing strategies, or provide exceptional customer service, there’s a BigCommerce app tailored to meet your needs.

In this article, we’ll dive into the best BigCommerce apps available, detailing how they can transform your e-commerce business into a powerhouse of efficiency and consumer satisfaction. 

Best BigCommerce apps
Source: BigCommerce

How to Choose the Best BigCommerce App for an Online Store?

Identify Your NeedsBefore diving into the sea of available BigCommerce apps, it’s important to clearly define what you need to improve in your online store.
Check Compatibility and IntegrationEnsure that the apps you consider are fully compatible with your BigCommerce store.
Read Reviews and RatingsThis can provide insights into the app’s performance, reliability, and the quality of customer support provided by the app developer. 
Evaluate Features and BenefitsLook for apps that provide specific benefits that align with your business goals.
Assess Cost vs. ValueWhile cost is a significant factor, consider the value the app brings to your business.
Trial Periods and DemosTake advantage of trial periods or demos to test the app in your store environment to see if it meets your expectations and works as promised.
Support and UpdatesConsider the level of support offered by the app developer. Reliable customer support is crucial for resolving any issues that might arise.

Top BigCommerce Apps We Recommend:


SEOKart is a comprehensive SEO optimization tool specifically designed for BigCommerce stores aiming to enhance their online visibility and traffic. This all-in-one SEO app stands out by offering a range of automated and AI-powered features to optimize your store’s SEO without the need for multiple tools.

It’s a great fit for store owners who want to improve their search rankings, increase their site’s organic traffic, and streamline their SEO processes.

Main Features:

  • Advanced SEO Audit with AI: Automatically audits your products, categories, and pages to identify SEO issues.
  • Bulk Optimizer with Cruise Control: Allows you to update Meta Tags and other SEO elements across your site in bulk, with an auto-pilot mode for continuous optimization.
  • SEO Rich Snippets: Enhances visibility on search engines by pushing key data like product reviews and ratings.
  • Image Optimizer: Compresses images and manages alt-texts for improved page loading speeds.
  • Rank Tracker: Monitors and reports on keyword rankings, providing insights into your SEO performance.
  • 404 Errors Fixer & 301 Redirects: Helps maintain site health by managing broken links and redirects.


  • Upfront Fee: $0.
  • Recurring Fee: $20 per month.
Source: Unsplash


Klaviyo is a great marketing automation and customer data platform that seamlessly integrates with BigCommerce. It is designed to help marketers harness their customer data to craft highly personalized marketing experiences across various channels, including email, SMS, and social media.

This platform is favored by major brands like ColourPop and Citizen Watches, reflecting its capability to drive significant growth and customer engagement.

Main Features:

  • Comprehensive Integration Capabilities: Offers over 300 pre-built integrations with various platforms, including shipping, loyalty programs, and help desks, facilitating a unified marketing approach.
  • Advanced Customer Segmentation: Employs real-time, multi-dimensional segmentation allowing for detailed targeting based on a wide range of customer behaviors and preferences.
  • AI-Driven Insights and Automation: Utilizes machine learning to provide predictive analytics, smart A/B testing, and personalized marketing strategies.
  • Omnichannel Marketing Tools: Supports email, SMS, social advertising, and mobile push notifications, ensuring a cohesive and personalized customer journey.
  • Real-Time Data Synchronization: Maintains a real-time link with your BigCommerce store to ensure all customer interactions are updated and reflected in campaign strategies.


Custom Pricing: Free for up to 250 contacts, with more extensive plans requiring custom pricing based on the needs and scale of the business.


Fomo is a pioneering social proof among BigCommerce apps designed to enhance e-commerce conversions by showcasing real-time customer activities, such as recent orders and product reviews, directly on your storefront. This visibility creates a dynamic shopping environment that simulates the buzz of a busy store, which can significantly boost on-page sales conversions.

Main Features:

  • Real-Time Social Proof: Displays recent customer actions on your site, enhancing buyer confidence and encouraging purchases.
  • Customizable Notifications: Offers flexible notification settings, allowing you to display every order, only some orders, or orders from specific periods.
  • Enhanced Engagement Options: Features like “Window Shopping” let visitors add items to their cart directly from a notification.
  • Integration with Google Analytics: Tracks clicks on notifications and measures the direct impact of Fomo on sales and engagement.
  • Advanced Filtering: Filters notifications by order value, enabling you to showcase more significant purchases and hide less relevant ones.


  • Free Trial: 14 days
  • Upfront Fee: $0
  • Recurring Fee: $25 per month

Fera AI

Fera AI is a versatile reviews and ratings application designed specifically for BigCommerce stores. It enables businesses to display attractive, customizable review widgets, import reviews from across the internet, and automatically solicit reviews from customers post-purchase. This app helps increase trust and social proof, which are crucial for enhancing e-commerce conversion rates.

Main Features:

  • Display and Customization: Show product reviews, store ratings, and customer-generated photo and video galleries directly on your site. Customize the appearance of these widgets to match your store’s branding.
  • Review Management: Automate review requests with options for incentives such as discounts or loyalty points. You can moderate these submissions to maintain high-quality content on your website.
  • SEO Benefits: Integrate product ratings into Google search results to drive more organic traffic.
  • Broad Integration: Works seamlessly with other platforms like Google My Business, Facebook, and various review sites, enhancing the breadth of your reviews.


  • Upfront Fee: $0
  • Recurring Fee: $29 per month


Promo Bar as one of professional BigCommerce apps is a versatile tool designed to improve your online store’s marketing capabilities. This app equips you with over 20 different promotional tools such as pop-ups, banners, countdown timers, and more, all aimed at increasing sales and growing your email subscriber list.

Main Features:

  • Dynamic Promotion Tools: Includes headers, pop-ups, banners, and sliders to create announcements and storewide promotions.
  • Email Capture Tools: Integrates with over 20 email marketing providers to help expand your contact list through interactive engagements.
  • Engagement and Conversion Features: Utilizes exit intent pop-ups, countdown timers, and sales notifications to decrease cart abandonment and increase urgency.
  • Customizable Display Options: Offers customizable settings for visual appeal, including templates that match your brand’s aesthetic.


  • Free Trial: 30 days
  • Upfront Fee: $0
  • Recurring Fee: $12.99 per month
working on laptop
Source: Unsplash


Yotpo Loyalty and Referrals is a dynamic app designed to enhance customer retention and acquisition through customizable loyalty and referral programs. Tailored specifically for each brand, this app integrates seamlessly with BigCommerce, offering a suite of tools to boost customer engagement and drive significant ROI.

Main Features:

  • Configurable Point-Earning Campaigns: Offers 19 out-of-the-box campaigns that encourage customer actions aligned with business goals.
  • VIP Tiers: Create levels of exclusivity with tiered rewards to increase customer loyalty and increase engagement.
  • Flexible Redemption Options: Provides a seamless experience for customers to redeem their points in various ways, enhancing the shopping experience.
  • Referral Marketing: Utilizes an intuitive interface to help acquire new customers by leveraging existing ones, lowering overall customer acquisition costs.
  • Advanced Analytics: Gain insights into program performance and customer behaviors, allowing for continuous optimization of loyalty strategies.
  • Customization: Fully customizable program aesthetics, including fonts, images, and descriptions to align with brand identity.


Starting with a free plan, options scale up to comprehensive solutions for enterprise-level needs. Specific pricing details, particularly for enterprise solutions, are provided upon request through a personalized demo. is designed to enhance your BigCommerce store by integrating a comprehensive loyalty program that includes points, referrals, and rewards. This application enables businesses to increase customer engagement and encourage repeat purchases by offering a visually appealing and easy-to-manage rewards system.

Available in multiple languages, caters to a global audience, making it a versatile choice for diverse markets.

Main Features:

  • Loyalty Points Program: Customers can earn points for various activities like making purchases, celebrating birthdays, or engaging on social media. These points can be redeemed for discounts or free gifts at checkout.
  • Referral Program: Boosts word-of-mouth marketing by allowing customers to refer friends through personalized links and monitoring the resulting referral traffic and sales.
  • VIP Program: Enhances customer retention by rewarding top customers with VIP statuses and exclusive perks.
  • Customizable Interface: Offers extensive customization options to match the branding of your store, including logos, colors, and more, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Pricing: offers both free and paid plans, making it accessible for businesses of varying sizes. The specific features available may vary by plan, with more advanced features included in the paid tiers.


Mailchimp on BigCommerce enables you to integrate powerful marketing tools to engage customers effectively and drive sales. This integration facilitates a variety of automated marketing actions that can improve customer loyalty and increase repeat purchases.

Main Features:

  • Automations: Includes automated emails for cart abandonment, welcome series, product retargeting, and post-purchase follow-ups.
  • Retargeting Ads: Implements retargeting on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Helps organize and manage customer interactions to enhance marketing efforts.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.


The app is free to use, which allows for cost-effective integration into your marketing strategy.


LiveChat integrates seamlessly with BigCommerce, providing a platform to enhance customer support and sales through real-time chat. The app allows you to interact with visitors as soon as they arrive on your site, offering personalized recommendations and discounts to boost conversion rates.

Main Features:

  • Real-Time Customer Engagement: Initiate conversations with site visitors to assist their shopping experience.
  • Automated Messaging: Use targeted messages based on user behavior to increase engagement.
  • Product Recommendations: Recommend products in the chat window using visually appealing product cards that link directly to product pages.
  • AI-Powered Tools: Employ AI to summarize chat discussions and streamline communication.


  • Free Trial: 14 days
  • Subscription Cost: $24/month

Magic Zoom Plus

Magic Zoom Plus is an image zoom app for BigCommerce that enhances the visual experience on product pages. It allows customers to see fine details through hover zooms and full-screen views. The app supports various zoom effects and is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Main Features:

  • Multiple Zoom Effects: Includes magnifying glass, internal zoom, and side zoom options to enhance the viewing experience of product images.
  • Full-Screen View with Thumbnail Display: Allows users to view images in full-screen mode with easy navigation through thumbnail displays.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures the zoom functions and image displays adapt seamlessly across all device types, providing an optimal user experience on tablets, phones, and desktops.
  • Integration with Product Videos and 360-Degree Spins: Supports multimedia elements like product videos and 360-degree spins, enhancing the interactive shopping experience on product pages.


Magic Zoom Plus is available at a one-time payment of $69.


Smart Search and Product Filters is one of the best BigCommerce search apps, with a comprehensive search enhancement tool, designed to improve your store’s conversion rates significantly.

Trusted by well-known brands and thousands of e-stores, this app optimizes your site’s search capabilities and user experience, leading to reported increases in conversion rates by at least 20%, with some stores seeing improvements up to 60%.

Main Features:

  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Includes autocomplete, typo correction with “Did You Mean?” suggestions, and preview displays of products that match the search query.
  • Robust Product Filters: Offers both standard and customizable filters such as price, brand, and availability, which can be displayed horizontally or vertically to improve navigation.
  • Merchandising Tools: Allows for product promotions within search results, using smart navigation and redirects to guide visitor interactions.
  • Analytics: Tracks user behavior from the start, providing insights into popular products and search terms to inform stock additions and promotions.


  • Free Trial: Available for 14 days.
  • Subscription Cost: $19.90 per month after the trial period.
Source: Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I install an app on my BigCommerce store?

To install an app on your BigCommerce store, navigate to the BigCommerce apps marketplace, find the app you want to install, and click on the “Get This App” button. You will be guided through the installation process, which typically involves logging into your store and granting necessary permissions to the app.

2. What should I do if an app isn’t working correctly?

If an app isn’t working as expected, first check the app’s documentation or FAQ section provided by the app developer for troubleshooting tips. If the problem persists, contact the app’s support team for help. Contact details are usually found within the app’s documentation or on the app’s page in the BigCommerce apps marketplace.

3. How do I update an app on BigCommerce?

Updates for apps are typically handled automatically by the app developers. However, you can check for updates and manually update apps by visiting the “Apps” section in your BigCommerce dashboard, selecting “My Apps,” and following the prompts if updates are available.

4. Can I try an app before buying?

Many BigCommerce apps offer a free trial period that allows you to test the app before committing to a subscription. Details about trial periods are usually listed on the app’s marketplace page.

5. How are app charges handled on BigCommerce?

App charges are usually billed directly by the app provider and not by BigCommerce. Payment details and billing cycles are typically explained on the app’s marketplace page or within the app’s dashboard once installed.

6. How do I ensure an app is secure?

BigCommerce apps in its marketplace meet certain security standards, but you should also review the app’s security features and developer’s reputation. Look for apps that are transparent about their security measures and compliance certifications.

To Sum Up

As you delve into the world of BigCommerce apps, the key to leveraging these tools effectively lies in selecting those that align with your business goals, understanding how to manage and optimize them, and ensuring they contribute positively to your store’s user experience and operational efficiency. 

Whether you’re aiming to enhance site search capabilities, increase security and trust, or boost engagement through advanced marketing tools, the BigCommerce apps marketplace offers a wealth of options to support your journey towards e-commerce success.

Remember to regularly review and update the BigCommerce apps you use, stay informed about new releases, and continuously evaluate the impact of these tools on your store’s performance. By doing so, you can ensure that your e-commerce platform not only meets current customer needs but also adapts to changing market dynamics, ultimately driving growth and customer satisfaction.

If you have further questions or need specific advice on BigCommerce apps, don’t hesitate to consult with app developers or seek guidance from the BigCommerce community.

Filed under: Ecommerce Marketing

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Administrator, University Division

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President & Founder, Liquid Knowledge Group
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