The Ultimate Guide To Keyword Ranking Strategy In 2021

upqode | Jun 22nd, 2021

Technology is now making everything possible online, including buying and selling of goods and services. If you are an entrepreneur, you understand how hard it is to penetrate the market if your business is not visible online. You will need to create a well-designed website that converts and pushes it through various promotions, including social media and email marketing, to attract and retain potential clients. This ultimate keyword ranking guide will cover every detail and step to make your blog rank on the first page of search engine results.

One way of pushing your business online is through content marketing. What is content marketing? Content marketing is a digital form of marketing where you create and share online content to market your business. Such content includes videos, social media posts, and blogs.  While the method doesn’t directly promote the brand, it helps to create interest.

Currently, it is practically impossible to succeed in digital marketing without creating well-converting blogs for your business. While every blog gets judged according to its content, the audience has to discover it first. The content has to have a successful search engine ranking.  Search engine ranking is only possible if you master the SEO keyword ranking strategy.

To learn more about keyword ranking strategy and how you can easily rank your content, keep reading this article to the end.

Why You Should Have a Good Blog Strategy

Before we get into keyword ranking, it’s essential to understand why every business needs good blogs. Currently, most consumers depend on the online market for their purchases.

Companies have to perform different marketing strategies for them to win these clients. One way of doing so is by coming up with blogs that will earn you qualified leads. Marketers who do blogging on their corporate-designed websites earn more conversions than those who do not.

google trends

For your blogging to be successful, you don’t just create any blog, but one published with best practices. Without following the set practices, writing any marketing content will not rank on search engine pages. Also, it won’t yield any traffic for your business.

To rank your business websites on search engines, including Google, you’ll need to create quality blogs. You should fully customize these blogs with keywords to enable them to rank first on search engines and reach a wider audience. This idea will increase your brand’s visibility in the online market.

Before we go further on using the SEO keyword ranking strategy, it is crucial to understand how to develop an influential blog that will improve your business visibility online. Let’s discuss SEO techniques and features that you can use to rank websites. 

How to Optimize Your Blog Content with SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential feature for all marketers. Digital marketers and agencies use search engine optimization to optimize web pages, including the blog content, to become visible to the online traffic. 

The whole process involves using keywords related to the products or services you sell. Your web page or content ranks first when an internet user searches the internet. 

Does Blogging Help With SEO?

You might be wondering if blog content will help your business rank on the first page of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). The truth is that blogging with SEO works hand in hand to make your website content visible to your targeted audience.

person using computer

SEO helps your blog content appear at the top of the search engines. Also, blog content makes your website a reliable source for clients wanting answers to their questions.

It’s crucial that you customize your blog content with SEO to make it visible to a potential online audience. Once seen, it’ll direct the relevant traffic to your website.

Simplifying SEO

As content marketers or business owners, you might be wondering what matters and what does not in making a website rank.  That’s a common issue to many, and it’s crucial to set the matters straight to understand SEO optimization better. 

There are various ways in which you need to optimize your blog content with SEO to make it rank on top of your competitors.  You first need to choose the right keywords and apply other SEO techniques to see your website ranking highly in search engines. 

Here are some SEO optimization tips to guide you through.

Tips on Optimizing your Blog Content with On-Page SEO

It’s essential to learn the most critical tips that will make customization more manageable and better.  Here are some on-page factors that can help you start your SEO keyword strategy.

#1. Ensure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly And Responsive

In the past, individuals used to rely on their computers for any internet search and making purchases online. Things have changed for the better as many individuals now rely on their mobile devices to access their internet, read blogs and transact online.

When internet users search via a desktop browser, Google will display desktop-friendly websites. When done on a Smartphone or other portable device, Google will show them mobile-friendly websites.

mobile friendly test result

Since many people use their mobile devices to access the internet, it is crucial to make your website mobile-friendly.  Making your website mobile-friendly means that it’s highly responsive on mobile browsers.

All features should react well with the mobile browsers. When you optimize your website to act fast on mobile browsers, Google will pick it up quickly when the online traffic makes a relative keyword search.

When you don’t make it mobile-friendly, Google might not pick it up when users do searches through mobile browsers.

#2. Use Headings To Your Benefit

Headings will help search engines understand your content and the sections within it.  Using the proper headers and placing them as required allows Google crawlers to scan your blog and rank it.

adding a title

Like your audience, the algorithms will want to know H1, H2, and H3 to help identify your document with the right audience. The headings and the subheaders should properly reflect what is in your article and, if possible, include the required keywords.

When you use the right keywords in your headings, search engine algorithms will find them faster, thus ranking them to potential searches.

#3. Use Long Keywords That Will Match The Intention Of The Reader

Incorporating keywords for your blog content doesn’t necessarily mean having many keywords.  You might end up having lots of keywords that will not match what the intended reader is looking for. 

Currently, Google does not recognize the use of many keywords (keyword stuffing), which can hurt your page ranking. Besides, having many keywords will also not benefit the reader.

Google will want to rank an article that helps the reader and might depend on the time spent on your article by the reader. This situation calls for using keywords that will appear natural and not forced on the article.

SEO experts recommend using long-tail keywords for your SEO ranking.  Why long-tail keywords? Long-tail keywords are like long sentences but acting as keywords. For instance, instead of using ‘blog content,’ you can optimize it as a long-tail keyword to read ‘how to write blog content.’

 A long-tail keyword has more impact than a shorter one and will help your web page rank faster.  Readers are likely to go through the whole post when you use a long-tail keyword.

#4. Have Keywords In Specific Parts Of Your Blog Post

A blog post should have one to two keywords for it to rank better. As discussed, Google keyword ranking will ignore the many keywords thus will not rank your article as required.

After selecting your main keywords, you need to find suitable parts of your blog post to include them.  Which are the best parts of including a keyword?

There are four main parts you can have your keywords to make your article rank better in search engines. These include:

  • Title tag:  The headline of your blog content will be the one featured by the search engine and greatly determines what your blog content is about. Not having the right title might make audiences skip your blog post.

You can include your keyword in the title tag to have it captured in the search results. How do you incorporate the keyword in the title? Google has a way of cutting off titles after it exceeds a certain number.

Also, include your keyword on the first 60 characters of your blog title.  If you have a long-tail keyword, you can front-load the keyword and then write the rest of your title. 

  • Header and Body: You can mention your keyword on the header and the body, ensuring it fits naturally. However, it would be best to mind the number of keywords you incorporate, as stuffing them might get you penalized by the search engines.

Ensure that you understand how you will incorporate your keyword before starting writing your article. However, first, you will need to prioritize the content for your audience before incorporating the keyword.

Be sure to focus on being helpful to your audience before thinking of promoting your keyword. When you do this, you will find your keyword fitting naturally in your article.

  • Meta Description: Meta description is the part that gives your readers a preview of what they will find in your blog post. It is a recap of what they will find in your blog content. 

The good thing about Meta description is that you can incorporate a long-tail keyword to attract readers to your website. 

Readers will have a clear view of what to find in your blog post. To ensure your Meta description works to the reader’s advantage, you have to write it in the most captivating way.

#5. Optimize the Meta Description and Use all the Space

A Meta description is a review of what your content has to offer to your clients.  It gives internet users a chance to decide whether the blog offers what they are looking for or not. This situation guides them to click on your article or look for other options.

You can write around 300 characters in your Meta description and give your readers the description of your content. With the number of characters, you can include a long-tail keyword which will make your article rank on top of other blog posts. 

Once you include your keyword, Google will highlight it when an internet user searches for the same.  They will know that what they are searching for is available in your blog post.

However, sometimes, Google will not pull your Meta Description the way you put it. It will choose only some parts, depending on the keyword searched.   This pull-opt only shows the readers how your keyword matches with their search. 

Can one determine how Google will pull out the Meta description? Not really, but you can determine the kind of information to include in your Meta description that gets captured by the search engine.  Ensure the keyword is included naturally, in a friendly way.

#6. Do Not Use Many Similar Topic Tags

Many content creators tend to use many topic tags as they believe it helps an article rank in many ways according to the tags. While topic tags greatly help optimize your content, overusing them might be harmful. Google and other search engines might penalize you for using duplicate content.

Using many tags can get interpreted as trying to promote the same content in various ways by the search engines. For instance, in blog content, you should not include ‘blog,’ ‘blog posts,’ and ‘blogging’ as tags. Using ‘blog’ will be enough for your blog post.

If you already made the tags, you still have time to clean up the many tags. You only need to choose tags that are not similar to each other.  Search engines won’t penalize your content when you do so, making it easier to rank it in Google searches.

#7. Link Internally Where Possible

Sometimes, it is important to show the search engines the validity of your content by having inbound links.  You can also link to other blog posts on your website to show how your content is related to the blogs.

This situation mostly happens when you want to prove your point to your readers and helps you to connect with other blogs or web pages.

Internal linking attracts visitors to your website by clicking on the links and also helps to bring up your other pages and blog posts in search engines. It makes the blogs have each other’s back when it comes to ranking.  When linking your content, ensure that the keyword matches the linked post.

#8. Use URL Structures To Guide Your Visitors

Your blog post or web address should have a URL structure that should be different from other posts.   When you have a customized URL, it will easily make your visitors understand what your blog post is all about.

Search Engines, including Google, favor URLs that are easy to understand.  For instance, if your website talks about family planning methods, you can customize the blog URL to read as

You can have different URLs for different sections in your website and promote them indecently depending on your marketing goals. When you do so, it makes the search engines work easier in recognizing and ranking your website depending on the searches made.

#9. Optimize Images with Alt Text

To make your content catchy and interesting to read, you have to include high-quality images.  These images should be related and must support your content.

However, you need to note that search engines do not recognize the images and will not rank them, no matter how good and informative they might be. How do you make your images benefit your blog in ranking? The only way you can do so is to include the Alt Text in the images.

What is alt text? Alt-text is information that tells the search engines what your photos are about.  The main aim of this text is to help your images rank on search engines.  Also, alt texts benefit the reader in a significant way.

They help to interpret to your reader what the photo represents and how it’s relevant to the article they are reading.  It also acts as an aid for individuals who can’t access the photos due to network or other internet issues or those with poor vision who can’t accurately interpret photos. 

How do you create an alt text?  When you upload your photo, it comes with the default description, including how it got captured.  You can customize it depending on what’s on the photo. 

When customizing your image with alt text, ensure to be specific in your description, use keywords, and keep the description short for easier ranking.  While these elements are not as important as your content, they’ll assist in the effective ranking of your blog post. 

Steps To Creating a Blog That Will Rank High 

1. Write For Humans, Not Search Engines

If there is one thing digital marketers forget is that it’s people who read the content and make it rank. Google does not rank the content without checking its popularity with online users. The best way to make your web page rank easily is by writing high-quality content that will excite your readers.

content writing

What does high-quality content look like? You have to keep your audiences in mind and deliver something that will satisfy their challenges and interests. Your article should motivate the audience to keep coming back for more.

 It should resonate with your potential audience and must satisfy their needs. When your article does not provide meaningful content, the audience will end up abandoning it thus will not rank on the first page of search engines.

2. Start Keyword Ranking with Research

Google processes over 70,000 search requests in a second.  That shows many people do searches online using different keywords.  Suppose you want to cut through the ranking and be above your competitors.

In that case, it is important to search for specific keywords and phrases that your potential clients might be using in the search engines.  These keywords are the ones to help them find your content and website among the millions of websites.


How do you find the right keyword to promote your content? You can use the keyword ranking checker to see how a particular keyword will effectively promote your content.

Together with a keyword ranking tracker, they will give you details on what your potential audiences are searching for and the popularity of these queries.

Google keyword ranking also will give you a hint on which keywords are popular at any given time.  When you find that searches for a particular keyword are declining, it means the keyword is no longer popular among your audiences. It’s time to search for another one.

You cannot use a declining keyword hoping to promote your blog content online. However, any keyword that’s rising or is stable at the top is the perfect one to use to rank your content online.

However, it is important to note that a keyword on the rise today might be declining tomorrow and vice versa. It is important to continue conducting keyword research to ensure you have the right keyword for your audience and not miss the Google ranking opportunities.

3. Aim For Scannable Longer Posts

Many digital marketers and entrepreneurs will opt for shorter blog posts since they are easier to write and customize. While it’s easier to develop shorter blogs, longer ones are the most effective for search engine optimization. 

How does this happen? In most cases, when you have more content, search engines will try to scan it to figure what it entails. The ideal length of a blog post should range between 2100 to 2400 words.

Unfortunately, such long blogs might overwhelm your readers, who might not exhaust all the content. To avoid your readers getting tired of reading your content, SEO experts recommend dividing it into sizable, Scannable chunks. 

This will mean cutting down long sentences and reducing the paragraph sizes to make your content easy to read. When trying to explain the points, you can use bullet points that readers find easy to digest.

4. Compress Images To Load Your Web Page Fast

There are billions of websites on the internet, some of them offering the same services as you do. When your website doesn’t load faster, readers will close it and log in to your competitor’s website with fast loading.

 Besides this, Google will favor fast-loading websites since they enhance the users’ experience.  One of the things that reduce the loading speed of a website is the images.  When you have many larger and heavier images, your website will take time to load, and the audience and search engines will ignore it.

You have to compress the images to increase the loading speed of your website. How do you compress the images? One way of doing so is by using free online software to reduce the size without compromising quality.

Google will give you a free analysis of your website images and details if they make your page lag behind.

5. Optimize Your Content To Earn Featured Snippets

Google has featured snippets which are the direct answers to queries asked by the search engine users. For instance, when you ask “How to optimize your website with SEO,” Google will use a snippet of a website as an answer to the question.

How do you earn a snippet position? You will have to answer the questions asked by your target audience thoroughly and exactly. For instance, you can have a heading titled ‘How to write an engaging blog post’ to answer a “How to write a Blog post?”

 You can answer these questions in H1 and H2 sections, and it is important to have the answers in bullet lists. Once you have done so, it is important to include part of the question as part of your answer and follow the same word arrangement.  

You can then start a paragraph using catchy phrases such as “Click here,” “Here are the Steps…” “Check below,” “select,” among others.  Ensure your snippet doesn’t surpass 58 words if using a keyword that requires definition.

6. Link To High-Authority Sites

We have discussed how you can create inbound links, which help to link your web pages and blog posts. Besides this, you need to have external links to high-authority websites.

 When you link to already established websites, you grow your blog and help your readers get more knowledge on the things you are discussing on your blog.  Besides this, external links show the search engines that you have done adequate research on your blog content.

External links also help strengthen the credibility of a blog post since it’s linked to a credible website. With such links, you will build a convincing and concrete argument to earn you some trust from your readers.  Ensure to hyperlink the links with related words or sentences from your blog. 

7. Use Google’s Search Console

Google has made it easier for every user to know their audiences’ keywords when finding content.  Through the Search Analytics report, one can easily know the keywords online audiences use to find your content. 

The tool is free, and you can use it to your advantage to find out the top keywords people are using, which you can use to optimize your article. When using the Google Search Console, keyword ranking doesn’t immediately happen after you post your article. 

google search console

You have to be patient since it takes days before Google starts ranking your article. Also, when you publish blogs frequently and optimize them with your intended traffic needs, you will reap huge and long-term traffic. You only have to do it well, and you’ll be amazed by the results.

8. Embrace Using Topic Clusters

Most bloggers have structured individual blogs that help to rank specific keywords.  While that’s what usually goes on in many blogs, it complicates things for the visitors, especially when trying to find the information they need. 

This also makes your URLs compete with one another in ranking, especially when you have multiple blogs with similar topics. It would be best if you avoided such when you want your blog to rank fast.

It is important to use the topic cluster model to arrange your blogs.  Here, you will choose the topics you want to rank and then create appealing content with keywords related to the topic and link to each other to create a wider search engine authority.

Your website should have a structure that will organize and link your URLs to enable more of your pages to rank high on search engines. 

Your website structure should have pillar content that links to cluster content via hyperlinks. Most websites haven’t established this, but it will enable most of your content to rank high on search engines when you embrace it.

9. Update The Current Content And Remove Outdated Ones

One way of improving your SEO is by creating new content once in a while. Besides creating new content, you also need to look at your existing content and repurpose it. If you can’t change or repurpose your old content, you should remove it altogether and create a new one in its place. 

While this may take more time and energy, it is better to repurpose it since creating new content might also take time to rank on search engines.

Repurposing a document has many benefits. Besides making it rank faster on search engines, it takes less time and fewer resources to revamp a document than create a new one.  Also, repurposing a document increases its lifetime, which makes it rank longer on search pages.

However, there are times you can’t repurpose a document. This situation happens when the information contained therein is obsolete or no longer relevant to the targeted audience.

When such happens, you will have to delete the document and create a new one. Some of the information that has now become outdated includes statistics, product information, and industry changes. When it seems difficult to update it, there will be no other way than to remove it.

10.  Continue Creating and Publishing Evergreen Content

What’s evergreen content? Evergreen content remains relevant for a long period without requiring changes or updates. There are many benefits of coming up with evergreen content. Some of these benefits include:

  • It helps you rank for a long time
  • evergreen content helps you generate leads continually without incurring other expenses of changing the content.
  • It helps to pull steady traffic to your website even after staying longer online.

All your blog content, including “how-to” guides, long-form articles, tutorials, and FAQs, should be kept evergreen.  Not only the written content should be evergreen, but also the images. Use images that will remain relevant for the longest time possible, and you will notice your content ranking for the longest time.

Tips on Optimizing your Blog Content with Off-Page SEO

Now that you have the tips on optimizing your on-page SEO, it will also be better to have a glimpse of off-page SEO.  Off-page SEOs are techniques done outside your website but will help in its ranking on search pages. 

While many content creators will term this as link building, the whole process provides more than this. Here are some tips related to off-page SEO.

1. Broken Link Building

The broken link tactic helps to identify websites in your niche broken links then have them replaced with active ones pointing to your blog post. The overall technique helps in SEO link building as no one will want to have broken links on their website.

How do you do this? When you notice broken links on a certain website, you can contact the website admin and inform them of the occurrence. You can then further ask them to replace the broken link with your preferred source.

2. Build High-Quality Backlinks

While link building is the most preferred source of growing website popularity, it is also one of the most complicated SEO strategies.

You might be having the links, but your website fails to rank. Why? It’s because you didn’t use high-quality links.  Without having high-quality links for your website, it won’t rank for competitive keywords.

Only websites with valuable backlinks rank above the rest. You need to choose the same when you want your article to rank on top of your competitors. You can use a Keyword ranking checker or track your keywords with a keyword ranking tracker.

It’s important to always focus on keyword ranking before incorporating them into your articles to make them seen and rank highly on search engines.

3. Guestographics Method

This link-building technique involves using infographics to rank your blog article. Here, instead of publishing infographics and having other blogs share them. You should then demand posting unique content on their websites.

The steps for this process involve posting an infographic on your website and then getting sites that have written related content to your post.

You can then show them your content and agree on giving them unique content to post on their website. After posting the content, you can then have backlinks to your website.

4. Have Guest Posts on Relevant Blogs

Probably you have had guest blogging, where you post your content on other websites but have links to your content. Guest posting or blogging has many benefits in making your website rank.

First, you will land backlinks from authority sites, people will view you as an expert in a related field, and you will have targeted online traffic flocking to your content and your site.

How do you find blogs to guest post? Various websites offer these services. You only need to use Google to search for them.  Also, it’s important to have a relevant topic to feature in your guest post, and you have to ensure it will attract online traffic.

While finding the right websites, it is important to have a well-written pitch that will make them accept having blog posts on their websites. Lastly, you need to follow up with your guest post for comments. You can do guest posting on as many websites as you can, but do not overdo it.

5. Blog Commenting

You can start commenting on blogs to create backlinks and increase traffic to your blogs.  While most of these links might not be worthy, they might help rank your content.  User-generated content helps a blog or website to get indexed faster. Thus, visitors will follow the link to your website.

However, you shouldn’t comment for its sake but have high-quality comments that will make audiences, including the website administrators and other bloggers, get interested in your links.  It would be best to be patient as the whole process takes time.

6. Answer Questions on Quora

Quora is a platform used by many content creators to post their articles or provide detailed answers to asked questions.  Individuals will post questions then get followed by threads of answers from different writers. 

Quora works like an internet forum and can help you to promote and rank your content.  When you provide answers on Quora, you will receive upvotes depending on how useful your content is. Articles or answers with many upvotes usually appear at the top of the threads.

You can use Quora for websites that rely on traffic for revenue, including affiliate websites and websites that sell information products.  The platform is also best for websites that sell products, including SEO tools and physical products, and bloggers who want to establish themselves on a particular matter or topic.

7. Be Active on Social Media

Social media sites are huge platforms that you can use to rank your website’s content. Although search engines, including Google, don’t use social media presence for your ranking, being active on social media and having engaging social media posts increase traffic.

Here, you can have many engaging posts with your website’s links, where you will redirect social media users to your website through links.  The more the posts, the higher the chances will be of people clicking on your website. 

social media icons

The high number of people visiting your website and reading your content will make it popular, thus increasing its ranking. 

Some popular social media sites where you can have engaging content include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You also need to try on the latest ones, including Tiktok.

8. Stay updated with Google Algorithms

Most websites rely on Google for their ranking. Google has restrictions in ranking websites, depending on the set algorithms. 

These algorithms are not long-lasting and change from time to time. It is important always to stay updated with Google algorithms and customize your content or website with their changes.

Not keeping with Google algorithms might greatly affect your keyword ranking. At times, even the highest-ranked website might go down if you don’t keep up with the current algorithms.  Ensure you understand this and have it as a strategy in ranking your content.

9. Promote your Blog

When your blog fails to rank naturally, it might be time to promote it to get seen by the online traffic. The more you promote your blog, the more it will become popular and relevant to the online audience. 

How do you promote your blog? Before thinking of promoting your blog, it is important to approach influential bloggers whom you will use to promote it. Ensure you include the bloggers in your blogs and mention them when sharing the articles on social media.  Ensure you inform the people when mentioning them in your content.

LinkedIn has many influential bloggers whom you can use to promote your content.  You only need to have their email address and always inform them when you feature them in your blog. 

When promoting your content, ensure that you make it as appealing as possible to attract the audience easily.  Once your blog starts gaining popularity, you can include other keyword ranking options to make it stay at the top even after the promotion ends. 

10.  Follow Google Guidelines

Google will rank your content, depending on how you have pushed it organically to the top. This situation means that you have to follow the service provider’s guidelines to the latter.  When you engage in malpractices, Google might respond negatively, thus affecting your ranking.

You need to note that Google gives guidelines on how you can rank your content naturally. However, you have to be keen even to those guidelines that Google hasn’t highlighted since they might affect you negatively when discovered.

It’s important not to deceive your readers to have your article rank. It would be better to appear on the second page of the search engine than to be penalized by the search engine. Make sure you have unique content that will rank naturally without issues.

How to Create Title Blogs for SEO

Now that you know some tips on optimizing your blog with SEO services, it’s also better to understand how to create a title blog for SEO.  No matter how good the content is, a bad headline might make your content not rank on search engines.

To create title blogs for SEO, you have to write down a compelling title with your main keyword. Here are some ways to come up with a captivating website.

·         Incorporate Numbers: You need to have the number of the things you are talking about in your blog post. For instance, if you discuss “ways of doing something,” you can start with “5 ways of….”

·         Add a Teaser: You should make your readers interested in what you want to talk about, with your article explaining the outcome. For example: “We Drove the New Model, and Here are the….”

·         Have your offer in the Title: If giving an offer to your audience, it is important to incorporate it on the headline to arouse interest. For instance, “Here is How to Create a Proposal + [A free Template].”

·         Use the Target keywords in your title: We have talked about it when optimizing your website. It is important to have your target keyword on the Title, as Google will check on the title first before going deeper into the document to get keywords for ranking your blog content.

·         Analyze the Keyword of the Title: Analyzing your Title keyword is the first step to making your blog content search-friendly. As discussed, tools like keyword ranking checker will help you understand your keyword ranking and how you can incorporate it in your title.

Once you have understood the kind of content your audience and the search engine need, it is time now to incorporate these tips and come up with fully SEO-optimized blog content. 

While all these might sound tricky, they are easy to create, and within no time, your posts will start ranking on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Why an Effective Keyword Ranking Strategy Matters

Our keyword ranking strategy guide has looked at everything, from how to customize your on-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and how to develop an appealing, SEO-optimized blog title. Reading through it will give you tips on how you can improve your website or content so you rank higher.

With content marketing, you have to work smarter and not harder. You might be creating lots of articles with many ranking keywords but fail to rank. Why? It is because you didn’t incorporate the highlighted tips when coming up with the article.

Web designers in Nashville recommend spending less of your time writing your content and much of it promoting it online. The search engine picks your article and ranks it on the first page of the search engine results when you do enough marketing and promotions.

Do you have to follow all those tips? Following all the above tips for a single blog can be hectic and not achievable. It is important to choose the best that can apply to your website and maximize it fully. 

However, if you notice the picked tip not working, you can start afresh with a new tip and so on. You can also combine various tips to check if your content ranks within a short period.  

Following the tips we’ve shared in this guide, it’ll help you develop content that will always appear on the first page of the search engine results.

Filed under: Marketing

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Darren Devost

Owner, Devost's Dynamic Marketing

The vendor succeeded in creating innovative WordPress solutions. Their availability enabled the client to deliver products more quickly. UPQODE's project management was good—their staff met weekly with the client and was always very punctual. UPQODE brought troubleshooting, recommendations, and ideas that our previous partner was unable to provide. They deliver work on-time and within budget. The design they’ve inserted into the product has enabled us to deliver products more quickly. They have always been very helpful in recommending better solutions.

David Bill

President & Founder, Liquid Knowledge Group
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