Most Useful Wix Plugins for Your Business in 2024

upqode | Jun 19th, 2024

In the world of website building, Wix stands out as a premier choice for those without a background in coding. Known for its sleek interface and user-friendly design tools, Wix offers a seamless experience for creating professional-looking websites. 

However, the true power of Wix is unlocked through its diverse array of apps. These apps, or plugins, are designed to enhance the functionality of your site, adding new features that go beyond the basic offerings of the platform.

Whether you’re looking to optimize your site for search engines, enhance your marketing efforts, or streamline your online store, there are Wix plugins/apps that can help. The right apps can transform your site, making it not only more engaging for visitors but also more manageable for you.

Let’s dive in and explore how these Wix plugins can enrich your website, making it more dynamic and tailored to your needs.

What is Wix?

Wix is a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create websites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag-and-drop tools. It provides users with the ability to design, build, and manage their websites without needing to understand coding or web development. 

With a variety of templates, customization tools, and add-ons available, Wix caters to a wide range of industries and needs, making it a popular choice for individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs looking to establish a professional online presence.

Benefits of Using Wix Plugins and Apps:

Enhanced FunctionalityExtend the capabilities of your website with features that support e-commerce, social media integration, and more.
Easy CustomizationPersonalize the look and functionality of your site with apps that offer flexible customization options.
Increased User EngagementImprove interaction through apps that add interactive elements like polls, forms, and chat functions.
Streamlined OperationsSimplify complex processes such as bookings, payments, and event management with dedicated apps.
ScalabilityAs your business grows, easily add and integrate more apps to expand your website’s functionality.

Best Wix Plugins for Your Business

123 Form Builder & Payments

123 Form Builder & Payments - Wix plugins
Source: Wix

123 Form Builder is an essential tool for Wix users looking to create and manage forms with ease and efficiency. This app allows you to build forms from scratch or customize pre-designed templates to fit your website’s needs. Whether you’re gathering feedback, taking reservations, or conducting surveys, 123FormBuilder provides a straightforward solution without the need for any coding.

Main Features:

  • Customizable Forms: Offers a wide range of form templates that are fully customizable to match your site’s design and functionality needs.
  • Real-Time Data Collection: Collects data in real-time, allowing for immediate response to customer inquiries or feedback.
  • Multi-platform Integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Google Drive, Mailchimp, and PayPal, facilitating smoother workflows and data synchronization.
  • Advanced Security Options: Ensures the security of your data with features like SSL encryption, data backup, and anti-spam protection.
  • Conditional Logic: Implements conditional logic to create dynamic forms that tailor the user experience based on previous answers, enhancing user engagement.


Source: Wix

Comments is a dynamic app designed to foster community and enhance user engagement through interactive discussions directly on your Wix website. This plugin is perfect for bloggers, e-commerce sites, and any website owner who wants to enable direct communication between users and build a community around their content.

By allowing visitors to leave comments, you can increase engagement, gather feedback, and encourage conversations that add value to your site.

Main Features:

  • User Engagement: Encourages visitors to participate in discussions, increasing engagement and time spent on your site.
  • Customizable Moderation Settings: Offers flexible moderation tools to help maintain the quality of discussions and manage comments efficiently.
  • Notification System: Alerts users about new comments and replies to keep the conversation flowing and responsive.
  • Social Media Integration: Allows users to log in and post comments using their social media accounts, enhancing user convenience and connectivity.
  • SEO Benefits: Boosts SEO as user-generated content can help keep your website dynamic and searchable.

Survey & Poll

Survey & Poll - Wix plugins
Source: Wix

Survey & Poll is an interactive app that enables you to engage with your audience through custom polls and surveys directly on your Wix site. This tool is ideal for gathering opinions, conducting market research, or simply adding an element of interactivity to your website.

With Wix Polls, you can create tailored questions that resonate with your visitors, helping you to better understand their preferences and make informed decisions based on their feedback.

Main Features:

  • Customizable Polls: Design polls that match your website’s theme and style with customizable options.
  • Multiple Question Types: Supports a variety of question types, including multiple choice and open-ended, to suit different kinds of data collection needs.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your site, providing a smooth user experience without the need for external tools.
  • Data Analysis Tools: Includes built-in tools to analyze and export data, making it easier to interpret results and apply insights to your business or content strategies.

Google Reviews PRO

Google Reviews PRO
Source: Wix

Google Reviews PRO is a powerful tool for Wix users who wish to showcase customer reviews directly from Google on their website. Displaying these reviews can build credibility and trust among site visitors by highlighting real customer experiences and feedback.

This widget is especially valuable for businesses looking to leverage social proof to attract new customers and enhance their online reputation.

Main Features:

  • Automatic Updates: Automatically fetches the latest reviews from Google, ensuring your website always displays the most recent feedback.
  • Customizable Design: Allows you to customize the appearance of the widget to match your site’s branding and design aesthetics.
  • Review Filtering: Enables you to choose which reviews to display based on rating, helping you manage the impact of customer feedback on your business.
  • Responsive Layout: The widget adjusts seamlessly across all devices, providing a consistent user experience whether on desktop, tablet, or mobile.
  • SEO Enhancement: Integrates reviews as rich content that can help improve your site’s SEO, making it more visible in search engine results.

Wix Bookings

Wix Bookings
Source: Wix

Wix Bookings is an essential app for service-based businesses using Wix to manage appointments and reservations directly through their website. This robust platform simplifies scheduling by allowing customers to book sessions, classes, or services at their convenience, directly from your site.

It’s ideal for fitness trainers, consultants, beauty salons, and any business that requires booking appointments.

Main Features:

  • Online Scheduling: Enables clients to book appointments 24/7, offering a convenient and user-friendly interface.
  • Calendar Sync: Automatically syncs with your calendar to help manage your schedule and avoid double bookings.
  • Customizable Booking Page: Allows you to customize your booking page to match your website’s theme and showcase your services attractively.
  • Automated Reminders: Sends automatic email or SMS reminders to clients about their appointments, reducing no-shows.
  • Multiple Staff and Locations: Supports booking for multiple staff members and locations, making it suitable for businesses with more than one employee or venue.
  • Payment Integration: Facilitates secure online payments or deposits at the time of booking, streamlining the payment process.

Wix Pro Gallery

Wix Pro Gallery
Source: Wix

Wix Pro Gallery is a sophisticated app designed for artists, photographers, and businesses aiming to display their work in a professional and visually appealing manner on their Wix websites. This app offers advanced image protection and customization options, ensuring your visuals are showcased beautifully and securely.

Ideal for anyone looking to create stunning, high-quality online galleries that engage visitors and highlight their creative work.

Main Features:

  • High-Quality Image Display: Supports images and videos in high resolution, ensuring your work is displayed at its best quality.
  • Advanced Layout Options: Offers a variety of gallery layouts and customization options to fit the style and needs of your website.
  • Image Protection: Includes right-click protection and watermarking features to help safeguard your images from unauthorized use.
  • Social Media Integration: Allows for easy sharing of images and galleries on social media platforms, enhancing exposure and engagement.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures that galleries look great on any device, providing a seamless viewing experience for all users.

Price Table

Price Table
Source: Wix

The Wix Price Table app is a streamlined tool designed to display pricing and package options clearly and attractively on your Wix website. It’s ideal for businesses that offer tiered pricing or multiple service packages, such as subscription services, consulting firms, or fitness classes. This app helps potential customers easily compare their options and make informed decisions, enhancing the user experience and potentially increasing conversions.

Main Features:

  • Customizable Tables: Offers a variety of templates and design options that can be customized to align with your brand and website aesthetics.
  • Interactive Elements: Allows for the addition of interactive elements like hover effects, which can enhance user engagement and make the pricing information more accessible.
  • Easy Setup: User-friendly interface makes it simple to add, remove, or adjust pricing tiers and services without needing any coding skills.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensures that price tables are fully responsive and look great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.

Urgency Countdown Timer

Urgency Countdown Timer
Source: Wix

The Urgency Countdown Timer is an engaging app designed to add a sense of urgency and excitement to your Wix website. Perfect for event promoters, e-commerce sites, and anyone looking to highlight upcoming deadlines or special promotions, this app helps you drive action from your visitors by counting down to a specific date or time. Whether you’re counting down to the launch of a new product, the end of a sale, or an upcoming event, the Countdown Timer can be a powerful motivator for your audience.

Main Features:

  • Customizable Designs: Choose from various styles and themes to match your site’s look and feel, ensuring the timer integrates seamlessly.
  • Event-Specific Timers: Set up timers for different events or promotions on the same site without any conflict.
  • Easy to Set Up: Intuitive setup process allows you to get your timer up and running quickly without needing technical skills.
  • Repeat Functionality: Option to reset or repeat the countdown for recurring events, making it versatile for annual promotions or regular deadlines.
  • Visibility Settings: Control where and when the countdown appears on your site, including the option to show or hide it after the countdown ends.

Map & Store Locator

Map & Store Locator
Source: Wix

The Map & Store Locator is a comprehensive resource within the Wix website builder platform, offering a wide array of best plugins for Wix designed to enhance and extend the functionality of websites. Whether you’re looking to add advanced business features, improve your site’s SEO, boost marketing efforts, or enhance social media integration, the Wix App Market has tools that can cater to all these needs and more.

Main Features:

  • Easy Integration: Apps are designed for seamless integration with Wix websites, ensuring that adding new functionality is as simple as clicking a button.
  • Customizable Options: Many apps offer customizable settings to tailor their functions to your specific site needs and preferences.
  • Regular Updates and Support: Apps in the Wix App Market are regularly updated by their developers to improve features and compatibility, supported by Wix’s customer service for troubleshooting.

Table Master

Table Master
Source: Wix

Table Master is a versatile app designed to help you display information clearly and effectively on your Wix website through customizable tables. Ideal for businesses, educators, or anyone needing to organize data or content in a structured format, Table Master allows for easy data management and presentation without any need for coding.

Main Features:

  • Flexible Table Design: Customize the look of your tables to match your website’s design, with options for colors, fonts, and more.
  • Interactive Features: Add interactivity to your tables such as sort, filter, and search functions, making it easier for visitors to navigate and understand the data presented.
  • Easy Data Import: Simplify data management by importing data directly from CSV files, enabling quick and easy table updates.
  • Responsive Layout: Ensures that tables are fully responsive, providing a seamless viewing experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Multiple Use Cases: Ideal for a variety of applications, from displaying product listings to sharing schedules or comparing features.
  • Embedding Capabilities: Allows for embedding of tables into blog posts, web pages, or product descriptions, enhancing the content’s richness and utility.

Calculator Builder

Calculator Builder
Source: Wix

The Calculator Builder is an innovative Wix plugin designed to help you create custom calculators for your Wix website. This tool is perfect for businesses that require a functional calculator for services like loans, health assessments, or cost estimations. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows site owners to build a variety of calculators tailored to the specific needs of their visitors, enhancing user interaction and providing valuable tools to help users make informed decisions.

Main Features:

  • Customizable Calculators: Design calculators that fit the specific needs of your business, whether for financial estimates, health metrics, or any other calculations.
  • Easy to Use Interface: Features a drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to create and customize calculators without any coding knowledge.
  • Embeddable Widgets: Calculators can be seamlessly integrated as widgets on your site, fitting naturally within your page layouts.
  • Lead Generation Tool: Incorporates features for collecting user information, such as email addresses, turning the calculator into a powerful lead generation tool.
  • Real-Time Results: Provides users with real-time calculations, enhancing the interactive experience on your site.
  • Mobile Responsive: Ensures that all calculators look good and function well on both desktop and mobile devices, accommodating all users.


Source: Wix

The Wix FAQ app is a straightforward and effective solution for adding a Frequently Asked Questions section to your Wix website. This app is essential for any business looking to provide clear, concise, and accessible information to its customers about common inquiries or concerns. The Wix FAQ helps to streamline customer support by addressing common questions upfront, potentially reducing the volume of direct inquiries and increasing customer satisfaction.

Main Features:

  • Easy to Set Up and Manage: Quickly create and organize your FAQ sections without any technical expertise required.
  • Customizable Design: Adapt the look of your FAQ to match your site’s theme and enhance user experience with customizable layouts and colors.
  • Accordion Style Layout: Utilizes an accordion layout that expands when clicked, keeping the page neat and allowing users to easily find the answers they need.
  • Search Functionality: Includes a search bar within the FAQ section, helping users quickly locate specific information.
  • Mobile Responsive: Designed to work seamlessly across all devices, ensuring that FAQs are accessible and readable on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • SEO Friendly: Optimized to be search engine friendly, which can help the FAQ content contribute to your site’s overall SEO efforts.

Impressive Site Menu

Impressive Site Menu
Source: Wix

The Impressive Site Menu app enhances your website’s navigation with visually appealing and highly functional menu designs. Ideal for any Wix user looking to elevate their site’s aesthetic and improve user experience, this app offers creative and dynamic menu layouts that go beyond standard navigation bars. Whether you’re running an online store, a portfolio, or a blog, an impressive menu can significantly impact how visitors interact with your content.

Main Features:

  • Stylish Menu Designs: Choose from a variety of unique and modern menu designs that can be customized to fit your site’s style.
  • Easy Customization: Modify colors, fonts, and animation effects to match your brand identity without needing any coding knowledge.
  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly: Ensures that your site’s menu looks great and functions smoothly across all devices.
  • Improved User Navigation: Enhances the overall user experience by making site navigation intuitive and engaging.
  • Dropdowns and Submenus: Supports complex site structures with multiple levels of dropdowns and submenus, making it easy for visitors to browse through large amounts of content.

Trust Badges & Payment Icons

Trust Badges & Payment Icons
Source: Wix

The Trust Badges & Payment Icons app is designed to enhance consumer confidence and credibility on your Wix website by displaying well-known security badges and accepted payment icons. This app is crucial for e-commerce sites, where establishing trust can significantly influence purchasing decisions. By reassuring customers about the security of their transactions and the legitimacy of your business, you can potentially increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment.

Main Features:

  • Display of Trust Badges: Add various trust badges to your site, such as SSL certificates, McAfee Secure, and other security accreditation logos that reassure visitors of your website’s security.
  • Payment Icons: Show icons of supported payment methods like Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, and more, clearly indicating the payment options available at checkout.
  • Customizable Layouts: Offers flexibility in how you display these badges and icons, allowing you to align them with your site’s design and branding.
  • Easy to Install and Manage: Simple setup process without needing any technical skills, making it easy to update and maintain as you add or change certifications or payment methods.
  • Boosts Credibility: Helps to build trust with potential customers by transparently showing the security measures and payment options your site supports.
  • Mobile Responsive: Ensures that badges and icons appear properly on all devices, maintaining their functionality and visibility across different screen sizes.

TWIPLA (Visitor Analytics)

TWIPLA (Visitor Analytics)
Source: Wix

TWIPLA (Visitor Analytics) is a comprehensive app that enables you to gain deep insights into your website traffic and user behavior. This tool is essential for any Wix site owner looking to understand their audience better, optimize their content, and improve overall site performance. By tracking how visitors interact with your site, you can make informed decisions to enhance user experience and increase engagement.

Main Features:

  • Traffic Analysis: Provides detailed reports on the number of visitors, page views, and sessions, helping you measure site performance and popularity.
  • User Behavior Tracking: Monitors how users interact with your site, including which pages they visit, how long they stay, and what actions they take.
  • Real-Time Statistics: Offers real-time analytics to see the immediate impact of changes to your website or marketing strategies.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Allows you to create customized dashboards to focus on the metrics that matter most to you.


In conclusion, enhancing your website with the right Wix plugins and apps from the Wix App Market can significantly improve both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your site. Whether you’re looking to streamline booking processes with Wix Bookings, engage visitors with interactive polls, or build trust with security badges, there’s a tool for every need. 

These Wix plugins are designed to integrate seamlessly with your website, offering both ease of use and powerful customization options to ensure they work effectively within your existing setup. By using these top Wix plugins, you can create a more dynamic, efficient, and user-friendly website that stands out in the digital landscape. 

Take the time to explore these options and consider how they can best serve your specific goals, leading to enhanced performance and an improved visitor experience on your Wix site.

Filed under: Ecommerce Marketing

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What They Say

This is a team that pays great attention to detail and does great work. I had a design done for my website by a separate designer, and Nick implemented the design perfectly for both mobile and desktop. His team uses project management software to track tasks and break up the work for his team into sprints. You aren’t just getting a developer when you hire Nick, you’re also getting great project management and organization. I 100% recommended it.

Erik DiMarco

Manager, NimbleDesk

UPQODE delivers high-quality web work quickly, thanks to their expertise in PHP and WordPress. Regular communication and reasonable prices further smooth the workflow. We've been very pleased with the results. UPQODE responds far more quickly to development changes than our core team would be able to. They are highly knowledgeable about best practices in WordPress, and their ability to rapidly scale up whenever we need a project completed makes them a valuable asset for us in our development needs.

Jim Kreyenhagen

VP Marketing and Consumer Services, doxo

The engagement resulted in an aesthetically pleasing website that satisfied internal stakeholders. They dedicated capable resources that ensured effective collaboration. UPQODE’s attentiveness and flexibility support a successful partnership. They created a beautiful website that we love. The site functions to advertise a certain medical procedure, so I can’t speak to any traffic metrics. UPQODE's responsiveness was their most impressive quality.

Jessica Echevarria

Administrator, University Division

UPQODE delivered a functioning and accessible website. Their adaptable approach to customer service allowed for a smooth development process and set the foundation for possible future collaborations. The delivered website met all of my requirements and explains everything I need it to. UPQODE was very understanding and accommodating of my changing needs throughout the project. The communication was excellent. I plan to work with them again for future needs.

Darren Devost

Owner, Devost's Dynamic Marketing

The vendor succeeded in creating innovative WordPress solutions. Their availability enabled the client to deliver products more quickly. UPQODE's project management was good—their staff met weekly with the client and was always very punctual. UPQODE brought troubleshooting, recommendations, and ideas that our previous partner was unable to provide. They deliver work on-time and within budget. The design they’ve inserted into the product has enabled us to deliver products more quickly. They have always been very helpful in recommending better solutions.

David Bill

President & Founder, Liquid Knowledge Group
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