While creating a digital marketing strategy for a small business it appears that it is important to be presented everywhere your users are. It means that you should choose effective channels, and a personal site is indisputable part of being presented online.
In a digital age, when it is so hard to compete and get attention, what you should do better than everyone else? The answer is simple – you need to always be here for your customers, help, support them and do not give a chance to forget about your beautiful products.
One of the ways to make it work is to create a site that will look and work perfectly. The researchers say that since 2016 people use smartphones and mobile gadgets for the Internet more than computers. That points out one right thesis – you should care about being presented in the mobile version even more, than about a desktop version.
Everything comes to responsive design – the best decision to be presented online by your site. Yes, there are other variants – to make a full version and create separate mobile, but often it is not so practical.
Why? Because there are so many types of smartphones, and every single one requires a particular resolution. Can you imagine this amount of work? If you do not have so much time, you would choose the fastest way that, on the other side, does not require losses of quality.
Responsive design is about a product that responses to visitor’s requests and take a look of pages to correct due to size, platform, and orientation. The typical platform consists of a mix of grids, layout, images and other tools that have in common one quality – they are flexible.
So, it is easier, practical and rational to choose a responsive design that can adapt for every laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone. But, of course, the adaptive design also can be good, and the main point we are talking about here is to have something more than just the desktop version of the site.
You see, where we are coming from? Let us give another example. When your potential customer finds your advertisement offline or looks at a product on Instagram, Facebook, other social media, hears about it from someone else, he will definitely decide to look at another assortment. Social media is not enough; clients often want to visit a site, so they just click on the address immediately.
Here comes the point – it doesn’t have to be just nice and cool. If it is not clear, nice, easy to interact on a smartphone, do you really think he would say: “Okay, when I got home, I will look at it on my computer”? No way!
Even if he thinks about it, by the time he finally got to the PC, he would almost forget that.
Are you still not sure? Okay, we can imagine for a second (it is one out of a hundred chances), that he didn’t forget, came home, turned on the PC and visited your site. What’s next? Another problem – at that moment he would have been looked at it differently.
Emotions, brain work are not the same as it was when he only has seen the cool product; he almost looks at it more rational and thinks over all the pluses and minuses. Does he really need it? Maybe, it is better to buy it later? Possibly, this moment will never happen.
Do you still think that it is a good idea? Our website development company is sure you are not going with these naïve thoughts. So, do not fool yourself and make your connection with a customer as fast and productive as you can.
You already know, who can do it for you – if not sure, just look better at our portfolio of stunning websites.