JSON Schema Generator Tools: User Guide 2021

Pas | Oct 25th, 2021

Why should you get stressed about validating a schema file from a JSON document? With a JSON schema generator, it generates the JSON schema for you. 

But, what is a JSON schema? First, let’s begin by defining a JSON. JSON is an abbreviation for the JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight format for transmitting and storing data.

Simply put, JSON is a data format that stores and transports data. An example of how JSON works is when sending data to a webpage from a server. It is part of technical SEO

On the other hand, a schema is a language that defines the structure of an object. Hence, a JSON schema defines the JSON objects. It helps in describing the existing data formats.
In addition, it provides machine-readable and human-readable documentation. JSON schema is essential for web developers. It makes it easier to validate data submitted by a client.

Why Do You Need A JSON Schema?

A JSON schema makes validation easier. Remember, it defines the structure of your JSON data. If you’re a beginner in JSON, consider using a JSON schema generator. 

One of the reasons for using a schema is to validate JSON objects and make sure that you meet the required constraints. It allows you to define the various object properties and the necessary data values.

It also provides a structural validation for validating client-submitted data and testing. Let’s have a look at an example of how web developers and testers use the JSON schema. 

The JSON example is from JSON Schema Validator:


    “$schema”: “http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#”,

    “title”: “Tool”,

    “description”: “An online tool”,

    “type”: “object”,

    “properties”: {

        “id”: {

            “description”: “Tool identifier”,

            “type”: “integer”


        “name”: {

            “description”: “Tool name”,

            “type”: “string”



    “required”: [“id”, “name”]


Here’s a sample schema document:


    “id”: 1,

    “name”: “XML diff”


JSON Schema Generator Tools

The purpose of this user guide is not to scare you off but rather to give you information about JSON schema. As a marketer or SEO professional, it’s not a must for you to have web development skills.

Instead, you can use a tool to generate the JSON schema. So, let’s find out more about these tools.

1. JSON Schema

JSON Schema

The online JSON schema generator is a simple tool to use. From the settings section, the user can select from the three schema draft versions to use.

Besides, the user can select and deselect the different settings from the objects, array, and Numeric categories. Besides JSON, you can also use the tool to check XML and YAML formats.

2. Schema Validator

Schema Validator

The JSON schema validator supports multiple drafts. That is, draft 3, draft 4, draft 6, draft 7, and draft 2019-09. Before you paste your file for validation, make sure you select the schema draft to use. 

The benefit of using the online JSON schema generator is that it saves you time. For a beginner in JSON, the schema validator makes it easy to check your data for any errors. 

Once you’re done with checking your data, you can also save it for later use. The JSON schema validator is straightforward to use for beginners as well as experts.

3. JSON Schema Lint

JSON Schema Lint

One of the benefits of using a JSON schema generator is that it saves you time to generate a JSON file. JSON schema lint supports schema draft 01 to 07. 

The tool delivers a JSON schema based on the draft that you’re using. It displays a message with the schema version. JSON Schema Lint has simple buttons to use. 

Besides, you can check from the samples section valid and invalid schemas for drafts 04 and 06. The online tool supports two markup languages, that is JSON and YAML.

4. JSON Schema Validator and Generator

JSON Schema Validator and Generator

The JSON schema validator generates JSON schema from a JSON document. The tool is simple to use, and it supports the latest schema draft 07. 

With this tool, you can generate a JSON schema from your file or an example from the JSON validator. On the JSON editor, you can paste or drag & drop your file. 

Check out the example below from the tool:

JSON Schema Validator and Generator

The tool analyses your code and displays an error or success message. You can check or uncheck the example, required, and only required checkboxes before generating a schema.

5. JSON to JSON Schema Converter from Liquid Technologies

JSON to JSON Schema Converter from Liquid Technologies

Similar to other JSON Schema generator tools, the JSON schema from Liquid technologies helps validate your schema documents. The online tool is free to use.

To get started, paste your code on the editor section, then click on the generate schema button. It displays your JSON schema and a message to alert the user whether the JSON is valid or not. 

The JSON schema has different options for the user to use. You can select the array rules, indent depth, quote names, quote characters, and more. 

Converting the JSON document to JSON schema is fast. The tool is also simple to use.

JSON Data Types

JSON schema makes use of data types. To make it easy for you, we’ll look at the various keywords within the JSON schema. But first, let’s have a look at an example of a JSON schema and JSON document. 

JSON schema:


   “$schema”: “http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#”,

   “title”: “Doctor”,

   “description”: “A human”,

   “type”: “object”,





         “description”: “A doctor’s name”,

         “type”: “string”




         “description”: “A doctor’s age”,

         “type”: “number”,

         “minimum”: 25,

         “maximum”: 50



   “required”: [“name”, “age”]   


JSON document:


   “name”: “Andrew James”,

   “age”: 45


From the above example, you will notice that the type has a value of string or number. It means that you have to maintain the data types, or else the document returns an invalid JSON error message. 

Let’s look at the data types and keywords used in a JSON schema. The four main keywords in a JSON schema are Id, schema, type, title, and description.   

  1. $schema – its purpose is to identify the schema draft. 
  2. $id – this keyword makes it easy for the user to set the base URL for the schema. In the JSON schema draft 4, the keyword does not have the $ sign. 
  3. Type – it specifies the data type that a user should use in a schema. For instance, you cannot use a boolean if the data type accepts a string.
  4. Title – identifies an object.
  5. Description – it describes an object. 
  6. Required – it lists all the must-have properties from a JSON schema.
  7. Minimum – in this section, the user enters the minimum value that applies to the schema.
  8. Maximum – the users enter a value that should not be more than the set maximum value.

There are multiple keywords to use within a JSON schema. Check out the complete list of the JSON keywords from jsonschema.org

How To Create A JSON Schema

Based on the developer’s skills, you can create a JSON schema by using a JSON schema generator online or writing the code from scratch. However, you can also hire a web design agency for JSON schema services.

To generate a schema using an online tool, start by identifying a tool that works for you. Next, select a schema draft version that you want to use. 

Select the draft, then paste your schema in the editor. With a JSON schema generator, you can paste your JSON file, drag and drop or browse the files.

The schema generators have a button to generate the JSON schema. The benefit of using a tool is that it makes it easy to identify an error within your JSON file.

The JSON schema tools are either free or premium. You can select one based on your JSON requirements.

Is JSON Semi-structured?

Have you come across the phrases structured and unstructured data? What comes to your mind? As a developer, you’ve definitely used either. So, what do the two terms mean? Let’s begin by defining the terms first.

Structured data helps search engines understand and search your content. The data is organized and stored in a way that it’s easily accessible. An example is an SQL database and Excel files.

On the other hand, unstructured data differs from structured data. Unstructured data is not easy to access as the data is not stored in a predefined manner. 

There’s also a different category, that is, semi-structured data. The data in this category lies between structured and unstructured data. 

Semi-structured data is self-describing. An example is JSON and XML. This type of data is complex as compared to structured data, and it is easier to store. 

Semi-structured data makes use of metadata to identify the various elements within a file. JSON uses tags to describe the data elements. The benefit of semi-structured data has over unstructured data is that it is easier to analyze.

JSON is a preferable choice by web designers in Nashville as it is lightweight. It is also easy to send data to a webpage from a server. JSON is used in the design of mobile applications.

When To Use A JSON Schema

As earlier mentioned, JSON schema is lightweight. It describes the existing data in machine-readable and human-readable formats. So, at what point should you use the JSON schema?

  1. To validate a JSON message. It can be time-consuming to identify an error within your API. However, a JSON schema generator alerts you whether a schema is valid or not. 
  2. To transmit data to a webpage from a server. 
  3. JSON schema is used for APIs and during configuration. 
  4. You can use a JSON schema when you’re transmitting structured data over a network. 
  5. To monitor an API response and ensure that it follows a specific format. 

Are you considering using a JSON schema over structured data? The main reason why you should use JSON is that it is a lightweight and independent language, and easy to read and write. 

With a JSON schema generator, you identify errors that can cost you more time and money to debug. If you need to improve the performance, then you should consider using a JSON schema. 

Since JSON uses a human-readable text format, a developer can quickly identify issues within a JSON file and make the necessary edits. JSON schema validates the format of the JSON objects.

What Makes Up A JSON Schema?

If you’re looking for a safe method of exchanging data on the web, consider using a JSON schema. The file extension for a JSON is .json. So, what makes up a JavaScript Object Notation schema?

1. Schema validation

The common purpose of using JSON schema is to validate the existing JSON files. Schema validation describes how the various keywords are used. 

For instance, the JSON schema above uses the minimum and maximum keywords to set a limit of the acceptable values. The schema validation determines the keywords the user should use. 

2. JSON schema core

This part of a schema defines the terminology of a schema. The JSON schema core introduces the $schema keyword, which describes the draft version that applies to the schema. In simpler terms, the section defines the primary base of a JSON schema. 

3. Hyper-schema

The hyper-section defines keywords that are associated with hyperlinks and hypermedia. 

Cons Of Using JSON Schema

To start with, if you’re not a technical person, JSON schema can be tough to understand. It requires a learning curve- before you start using it for your web pages and APIs. 

However, it gets easier when you understand the basics and the various schema drafts. With a JSON schema generator, you can identify errors within a JSON file and make the adjustments. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a tool to check issues with your JSON file, consider using a JSON schema generator from JSON. It validates the JSON data and saves you from unidentified errors. 

Most of the JSON schema tools are easy to use and come with examples for the users to use. In addition, they have multiple schema drafts for the user to select from. 

JavaScript Object Notation, often abbreviated as JSON, is self-describing and easy to use. If you’re looking for a semi-structured data format to help you transmit data between apps and web pages, consider using JSON.

It is simple to understand, but it requires a learning curve. JSON is both human and machine-readable. You can also hire a web designer to help you with JSON schema. 

Filed under: WordPress Development

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